In layman language floor plan can be described as view from top .The way room looks from above and person who draws such a floor plan is called draughtsman while floor plan is made by architects as how building and room will look like .Through dimensional lines one can frame as to how long things are in real life .Generally floor plans are made with the help of protector , ruler, pencil or graph lines .Now a days drafted with the help of computers known as CADsoftware’s (COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN)like Auto CAD or MS Power point.Through this it becomes very easy to draft scale drawing.Floor plan basically includes appliances,furniture, rooms and measurement which form important part of the plan.Floor plans plays an important role to not only real estate companies and leasing companies but also while framing furniture layout and wiring systems .Floor plans plays a very important role in framing a house because easy flows of spaces adds weight age in its making.There are certain features which plays an important role while designing floor plans are Well balance should be maintained between priorities and lifestyle: -An open floor plan between kitchen and living areas lets an abundance of light fill the space. Light coloured wall surfaces, clean modern detailing, uncluttered spaces and a neutral color palette give spaces a calm and interesting appeal.
For e.g.: those who are looking for work for home type of design layout then makes sure your office gets ideal light and is perhaps in a quiet location.Or if entertainment is big priority to you then makes sure to have open flow between kitchen and living room.
Have a perfect room layout:Always try to maintain proper balance between all rooms like keeping bathroom facing kitchen or living room should be avoided.In same way some people prefer to have kitchen facing living room or dining room so that person who cooks food inside can have proper interaction with guest sitting in living room or even can keep an eye on kids.There should also be proper balance between architectural design and practical considerations with flexibility and versatility.Drawing a floor plan needs few important guidelines like
- Initially select an area:Firstly decide about drawing like what needs to be drawn like room or building or a floor and accordingly decide what next to be performed.For eg while making building think about size and shape about the location on which to build
- Take measurement: Constructively think about measuring rooms,door and furniture so that perfect floor plan layout can be made. Make sure total area should fit where it is to be built.
- Draw walls: Draw proper walls with accurate measurements and add furniture into it.
- Other amenities: Add other necessary architectural features like doors and windows as well as the refrigerator, dishwasher, dryer and other important appliances that must be placed in a specific location.
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