Monday, 23 September 2019


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BIM Technology is considered as an essential tool for generating plethora of social, economic and environmental benefits for all home builders and stakeholders and thus even they are accepting BIM as major device which amalgamates this fragmented industry. Through this latest technologically advanced tool, different elements of the building can be easily be visualised with more accuracies, productivity, and better integrations.
BIM is all about building models which create exchange, re usability or sharing of data for facilities management, design replication or construction development. One of the key features of BIM generated design is its rich and parametric representation of their project works through which virtual depiction of the actual building takes place. Because of BIM, AEC industrial professionals get meaningful insights and efficient tools to design, manage or construct buildings and construction. BIM enables making of intelligent 3d models which help in coordination, document management or simulation of the project life cycle. BIM models help in creating single minute details of the building, gives stakeholders better visualisation of infrastructure designs, better option to explore various designs or used as design credentials for the construction.

BIM model is mainly capacity of fetching important information right from design to maintenance during the life cycle of a construction project. Through BIM models important information like the generation of customised data sets and its related new information, multidimensional data can be easily formed. Following mentioned below are popular industries where BIM can be used to optimise your work process and that’s why BIM consent is growing globally in many countries like Finland, Brazil, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Korea, China, Denmark ,Vietnam :-
  • Construction-Digital representation of construction, design and facility management takes place which directly helps in exchanging the most crucial information in digital layout.
  • MEP- It helps in speeding up process delivery process and improves MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING design quality.
  • Architecture-Crucial design related decision and building performances can be easily and effectively framed out during the entire project life cycle.
  • Civil-Intelligent workflow can be created for effectiveness, efficiency, and expectedness  
  • Plant-Effective designing and construction of structures, piping or processes take place throughout project life cycle.
  • Structures-Because of efficient structural detailing and design software, flourishing process delivery and innovative business projects can also be generated.


Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Basic guidelines to set up Residential Theater at your places - Outsource Cad Services

Outsourcing cad works,cad outsourcing,cad outsourcing India,cad outsourcing services,Outsource Cad Services,cad outsourcing services India,architecture outsourcing services,India cad works,outsourcing cad services,Outsource architecture services,Outsourcing Architectural services.

Home theater is all about precise integration of different disciplines like Seating, Construction, HVAC, A/V, interior designing and definitely Acoustics so as to generate successful home theater or residential home theater. At C-Design we have rich experience of more than 15 years in drawings and designing Home theater and have successfully stumble upon any challenge thrown at us. There are basically 2 different types of Home theaters
  • Media Room-In Media Room, different features like Streaming Room, Large TV screen, fabulous sound system are incorporated so as to turn your family room into a media room
  • Full Blown Theater-It helps in giving full-blown movie theater experience with a screen and stadium seating arrangements
Theater Needs:-Home Theater needs following equipment so as to enjoy watching movies at home like
  • Movie Screen
  • Sound Proofing
  • WIFI for internet access
  • Sound system
  • DVD Player or Projector
Following are below mentioned a point which helps in deciding about Home theater set up ideas:-
VIEWING-The crucial part of any Home theater is the placement of high definition display screen so as to provide the proper combination of viewing angle and display size. The main excitement arises when it’s about matching viewing screen pleasure with the equivalent screen size but it should not increase beyond a limit or else it will swing your head.
Optimum distance-One of another important element known as optimum distance ranges where one should not sit closer than 8.5 feet from 60 inches wide TV nor should stay 13.5 feet away. Thus it determines the optimum distance between the screen and seating arrangements.
Perfect angle-Home Theater experts believe that viewing angle around 30 to 40 degrees is considered as most suitable display arrangement where comfortable and minimal eye movement occurs. In the case of multiple seating arrangements, make sure all chairs have an optimum viewing angle.

ROOM– Room helps in determining local set up like which may be an extra bedroom, living room or any basement movie space for setting up a home theater with sound quality and comfort. Apart from these, there are other factors also which determines home theater sitting arrangements:-
Room shape-It’s believed that the rectangular-shaped room helps in placing your main speaker and display screen along a short wall for best sound projection. That’s why always opt for such types of room
Flooring-Another important feature of flooring like a wall to wall carpet with pads underneath is considered as a salient element which helps in controlling sound in your home theater
Wall room color- Make sure to paint your wall room with bright color as much as you can stand. Instead go for tans, neutral brown or olive colours because bright colours may become distracting for bright lit screens.
SOUND- With the advancement in speaker technology, manufacturers are making superior quality of sounds and speakers which ultimately effecting residential theater sound reproduction into fine art. The main component is of speaker placement so that everything comes into your ears specifically at the same time.
Speaker placement-Generally placement of the speaker is kept 20 inches from the wall and never forgets to experiment because the best sound comes after trying different locations. Usually, a home theater is of 5.1 surround sound means having 5 full-range speakers and one low range woofer, the specialist. Make sure to keep your ears at the equidistant from the speaker. There are many other sophisticated speakers available in the market which provides millisecond adjustments called delays, it’s one of the versatile features which is available for the larger room when speakers are kept at the diverse and far distances
Woofer placement-Generally placement of woofer in the corner location helps in evenly distributing woofers sound equal but make sure to try different locations before deciding final position for the woofer.


Monday, 9 September 2019

Essentials about Construction documents - Outsource Cad Services

Outsourcing cad works,cad outsourcing,cad outsourcing India,cad outsourcing services,Outsource Cad Services,cad outsourcing services India,architecture outsourcing services,India cad works,outsourcing cad services,Outsource architecture services,Outsourcing Architectural services.

Construction documents as the term suggest is all legal contract between owner and contractor which includes conditions of the contract, contract forms, drawings and specifications along with describing work methods, duties and responsibilities of all the parties. Construction documents start with contracts and serve the crucial purpose of receiving building permits from building authorities and to construct your buildings. The major benefits which are provided to owners are ensuring a quality project, Affordable Prices, owners gets protected and ensures qualified bidders.
Following are essentials elements which are covered under construction documents
1) Cover sheet-It depicts project names along with detailed information pertaining to contact officials like engineers, architectural consultants, type of property, site map, building type, and other detailed information about the property
2) Site plan-Through architectural site plan, detailed information about how the site is placed on the entire property gets revealed and thus helps in improving detailed engineering drawings with a graphical arrangement of different structures like parking, landscaping, parking, buildings, exit safety necessities, etc that becomes part of a development project.
3) Safety plans-Through such plans, occupancy rates can be calculated and an adequate number of safety exists with proportional sizes can be planned properly. Even remote path showing routes to exist can also be easily determined as safety always comes first in the priority list.
4) Floor plans-It reveals the most crucial information pertaining to the location of different elements of the building with detailed dimensions and other details regarding the door, wall, window, keynotes, etc are included in the construction drawings set.

6) Elevations-They are termed as first angle projection of exterior/interior faces of the building from different directions which becomes quite an essential source of information for construction projects. Therefore architectural elevation plan becomes crucial information which shows exteriors –ceiling heights, roofing, floor heights and also roof slopes and in interiors-build in bookcases, Trim work, and works on cabinets, etc are displayed in such drawings. Thus elevations drawings become a showcase of future work for your clients which connect different facets of your property. Through elevation, inside and outside spaces can be displayed in a sharply detailed form
7) Section Drawings-It shows half slices or cuts of the building, perpendicular to the horizon line reflecting important elements of the building like floor to floor height, foundation and wall construction along with reflecting its other interior and exterior profiles.
In today’s fast-paced competitive world, Construction documents play an utmost important role as legally binding documents which make the overall architectural project successful involving different parties like builders, architectural firms and contractors. Construction documents are a complete set of chronological drawings according to their occurrence where all required details pertaining to project design are shown. At C-Design, we have a team of highly dedicated architectural professionals, design consultants, drafts men and skilled engineers who work united and as per international standards and codes. Simply contact us and we will offer you the best possible solution.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Importance of 3D Panorama in Architectural World - Outsource Cad Services

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Due to technological advancement, lots of changes were started prevailing in all sectors of life both personal and professionally. Nowadays work methods at work spaces have changed drastically as compared to earlier one which has become obsolete. 360 Panoramic tours are all about the controllable panoramic picture that environs the initial point from where the shot was taken. This ability to move around and look at surrounding subjects becomes possible due to a number of panoramic pictures and combination of different software. In other words, 360 panoramic view is considered as best suitable solution when it come to displaying all possible details of the particular stuff  to your customers while 3D shooting. Through 3d panoramic view, objects can be shown in optimal lighting and which makes your clients view all possible look in different directions and angles.
One of most distinguishing of these services is about its spherical panoramic features which demonstrate all relevant possible features to the customers. Through such type of 3D shooting, all details about demonstration of the objects comes out in a better perspective with maximum lighting. 3D Panorama being considered as modern technology which has unique feature of rotating an image in different directions and even can make picture closer or farer because of its spherical panoramic facility. Even the additional feature of having observational angle of 360 x 180 degree makes it possible to rotate images in any possible direction without turning heads.

At C-Design, we provide exceptional interactive and interactive 360 panoramic tour services so that our potential clients can experience self-assurance and trustworthy feelings before they come for real visits. Apart from it also provides vital information about contact details, special facility, reservation links, and promotional messages all at one place. Our clientele ranges from the Hotel industry, Resorts, Showrooms, Real estate industry and many other where we offer the customised virtual tour as per our client’s requirements and thereby facilitate them by increasing target audiences list with suitable timely information. We provide outstanding interactive virtual tours for our clients which give them feel like personally standing on that spot. Call us to amplify your sales rate and standout from your business competitors.